Cybersecurity Services for Renewables

Offshore & onshore wind, solar, hydro, hydrogen and battery storage are becoming a growing target for cyber attacks.

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A growing target for cyber attacks

Due to the much-needed energy transition the world relies more and more on renewable energy sources to reduce CO2 footprint. Ensuring the security of these sectors such as offshore & onshore wind, solar, hydro, hydrogen and battery energy storage systems becomes paramount.

The technologies used within this infrastructure like energy management systems, automated curtailment and connections to trading platform requires more connectivity and is one the reasons it a growing target for cyber attacks.

To safeguard against these risks, organizations must implement robust cybersecurity strategies. Secura has the knowledge and the expertise to help you.


Cyber Expertise in Renewable Energy


NIS2 compliance experts in Renewable Energy


Integrated approach to People, Processes, and OT Technology


Challenges in the renewable energy sector

  • How to ensure that an asset is compliant to norms, standards and regulations
  • How to prepare, detect and respond to a cyber attack
  • How to ensure that the supply chain vulnerabilities won't affect an asset
  • How to secure a decentralized smart grid
  • How to mitigate the cyber risks of using Internet of Things (IoT) devices.


Secura has been active as a cybersecurity specialist for more than twenty years. We assist large and medium-sized companies in the renewables energy sector in enhancing cyber resilience. For solar photovoltaic (PV) power, wind, renewable hydrogen, battery energy storage systems, hydro, smart grid, we provide an integrated cybersecurity service.

The energy transition not only reduces CO2 footprint but also introduces new cybersecurity challenges that must be addressed to protect infrastructure.

We help assess, prioritize and mitigate security risks, giving you more control over all aspects of information security. We can support you during all life cycle phases, from design to operation and maintenance and both from a defensive perspective to offensive testing and verification.

Quote by

Sjoerd Peerlkamp

Industrial Market Group Manager

Recent cyber attacks are just a preview of what to expect as we rely more on wind energy in today's geopolitical climate.



Discover the Future of Cybersecurity in Offshore Wind

Watch the replay of our webinar on cybersecurity in the Offshore Wind sector. Sjoerd Peerlkamp, Industrial Market Group Manager at Secura/Bureau Veritas, dives into the offshore wind cyber threat landscape.



We have a strong expertise in the renewables sector. Developers and operators, transmission & distribution systems operators (TSO & DSO), equipment manufacturers, yards, contractors, vendors, and more trust us as a partner for security testing, advice, and implementation.

Highlighted Services

OT Risk Assessment

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Understand your OT environment's cyber risks with our OT Risk Assessment Fact Sheet. Download now for essential guidance.

Security Maturity Assessment

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The Security Maturity Assessment aims to determine the Maturity Level of your cybersecurity based on the CMM model, to help decide on the next steps to raise your cyber resilience.




Watch the replay of the webinar on cybersecurity in the Renewables sector. Our Senior Cyber Crisis Consultants Luke Fletcher and Hugo Tanne present to you a blueprint for cyber crisis response in renewables.


More Information

Would you like to learn more about our cybersecurity services for your organization? Please fill out the form and we will contact you within one business day.


ABOUT SECURA/Bureau Veritas

Secura is the cybersecurity division of Bureau Veritas. Our customers range from government and healthcare to finance and industry worldwide. Secura offers technical services, such as vulnerability assessments, penetration testing and red teaming. We also provide certification for IoT and industrial environments, as well as audits, forensic services and awareness training. Our goal is to raise your cyber resilience.

Secura is a Bureau Veritas company. Bureau Veritas (BV) is a publicly listed company specialized in testing, inspection and certification. BV was founded in 1828, has over 80.000 employees and is active in 140 countries. Secura is the cornerstone of the cybersecurity strategy of Bureau Veritas.