Information security in healthcare

Information Security and Innovation in Healthcare can go hand in hand.

The Healthcare Sector and Secura Hand in Hand

The healthcare sector is constantly evolving, with examples such as the demand for remote care and an increase in healthcare-specific applications. Unfortunately, the number of digital threats and their impact is also on the rise. This calls for an integrated cybersecurity approach where people, processes, and technology are combined.

So that you can gain control over your cyber resilience and adapt your institution confidently to the continuously changing demands. For you as a healthcare institution, partnering with us means innovating securely and being predictable.


Cyber Expertise in Healthcare


Cyber Services Tailored to Healthcare


People, Processes, and Technology Integrated

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Challenges in Healthcare

  • Continuity: How do I ensure that access to medical data does not fail?
  • Process Automation: How vulnerable are medical devices? Is the continuity of the entire medical process sufficiently guaranteed?
  • Remote Care: How do I ensure that medical data is not leaked? Are employees sufficiently aware?
  • Liability: What if medical data leaks?
  • Legislation and Standards: Am I doing enough and am I compliant with NEN7510 and NIS2?


Secura has been active as a cybersecurity specialist for more than twenty years. We assist large and medium-sized organizations in the healthcare sector in increasing their cyber resilience. The healthcare sector benefits from our team that is dedicated to healthcare. By continuously assessing security risks of processes, technology, and people for threats, the sector's cyber resilience is increased, and you have control over all aspects of information security.

Quote by

Ton Verberne

ICT Coördinator


The healthcare sector struggles to get a grip on information security. Secura's approach to integration with processes, technology, and people is what sets us apart and really moves us forward. The sector could really use your help.


We have a strong background in healthcare. Hospitals, disability care institutions, mental health institutions, nursing and care homes, and more trust us as a partner for security testing, advice, and implementation. Get in touch with us to find out what we can do for you.


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Secura CyberCare offers peace of mind. At the beginning of the year, you create a clear roadmap in consultation with our experts. It includes the current state of your institution and the safety measures and actions needed for the coming year. We schedule the necessary tests, trainings, audits, and controls in consultation. But even more importantly, we actively collaborate with you and your employees to improve the digital security of the institution.


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Our ethical hackers conduct a security test to check the effectiveness of security measures, identify vulnerabilities, and provide clear advice for improvement. Gain insight into the risks of ICT and medical devices thanks to a comprehensive report that includes an extensive risk analysis for each outcome and recommendations at the strategic, tactical, and operational levels.

Threat Modeling

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The healthcare sector is becoming increasingly modern and efficient. This naturally has great benefits for the quantity and quality of patient care. However, this modernization also brings digital risks, along with the associated questions: How do you ensure that patients and their data are safe? What risks are we actually running, and what can we do about them? Read how we addressed this for the Amphia Hospital.

Tabletop Crisis Management

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Do you know if your healthcare institution is well-prepared for a cyberattack? How quickly can you intervene, and what are the next steps? Secura helps large hospitals to medium-sized institutions strengthen their cyber resilience. We understand the importance of practicing the management of a cyber crisis before it occurs. You will discover how well your institution is prepared to handle a cyberattack. And at which point you can improve, such as appointing a crisis team and updating procedures.

Security Awareness & Behavior Program

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Increase the cybersecurity awareness of your employees. Discover Secura's SAFE Program to promote cyber-safe behavior in your healthcare institution. By combining psychology and security expertise, we offer an information security awareness program focused on behavioral change. Learn more about our SAFE program: Security Addressed For Employees.

More Information

Want to experience what it's like to embark on the learning-work trajectory with your organization? Get in touch, our team is ready for you.



Secura is a leading cybersecurity expert. Our customers range from government and healthcare to finance and industry worldwide. Secura offers technical services, such as vulnerability assessments, penetration testing and red teaming. We also provide certification for IoT and industrial environments, as well as audits, forensic services and awareness training. Our goal is to raise your cyber resilience.

Secura is a Bureau Veritas company. Bureau Veritas (BV) is a publicly listed company specialized in testing, inspection and certification. BV was founded in 1828, has over 80.000 employees and is active in 140 countries. Secura is the cornerstone of the cybersecurity strategy of Bureau Veritas.