ISACA: Psychology Addressing the Human Factor in Cybersecurity

(Alleen beschikbaar in het Engels)

Our Social Psychologist Cybersecurity & Compliance Inge Wetzer will be speaking at the upcoming webinar of ISACA on 1 September 2021: 'To educate, to motivate or to facilitate? Psychology addressing the human factor in cybersecurity'. Register now.

In this Square Table
, Inge will be explaining how insights from psychology can be used to make people more resilient against any kind of cyber threats. Along the way, Inge will show that this goes beyond educating people & that there is more than meets the eye. She will explain how psychology teaches other interventions, such as motivating and facilitating people and how this can sometimes be more effective towards behavioral change.

Interested in attending the upcoming webinar of ISACA on 1 September? Register here:
Inge Wetzer

About Inge Wetzer

Inge Wetzer attained a PhD in social psychology. After 10 years of dedicated research on behavioral influencing at the TNO, she has specialized in field of cybersecurity since 2015. Inge has taught many organizations and employees about cyber resilience, while also published about her profession in security journals and speaks as a representative of the people side of cybersecurity at conferences and symposia. Alongside her current track record in cybersecurity, Inge is also working at Secura as a social psychologist and is part of the SAFE - Security Awareness & Behavior team.

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ISACA NL Chapter is the Dutch non profit corporation that serves the interests of information governance, control, security and audit professionals. The organization is part of ISACA Global. ISACA Global’s constituency -more than 140,000 strong worldwide- is characterized by its diversity. Constituents live and work in more than 180 countries and cover a variety of professional IT-related positions – to name just a few, IS auditor, consultant, educator, IS security professional, regulator, chief information officer and internal auditor.