Crisis Management services

Our crisis management services, aligned to international standards, help you improve your resilience and crisis response capabilities.

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Improve your crisis response capabilities

Do you need help with implementing a Crisis Management framework or improving your crisis response capabilities?

Organizations often focus on the immediate technical investigation and response to cyber incidents. But is your organization prepared to deal with the wider organizational crisis that follows?

To ensure your company's survival, three elements are key:

Making sure you have an embedded crisis management framework (aligned to the international crisis standard ISO22361).

Ensuring you have a tried and tested crisis response plan.

Making sure you have the ability to continue delivering your critical services.

NIS2 requires appropriate measures

NIS2 requires that all essential and important entities in Europe take steps to reduce incident effects. Article 21 states:

'Member States shall ensure that essential and important entities take appropriate measures to manage risks, to prevent or minimize the impact of incidents, taking into account international standards. These shall include at least the following:

(c) business continuity, such as backup management and disaster recovery, and crisis management.'

Standards such as ISO 22361 - Crisis Management Guidelines - give organizations direction as to which measures should be in place including frameworks, principles and processes.

Luke Fletcher Secura

Luke Fletcher

Senior Crisis Consultant


The word crisis is mentioned 32 times in the text of the NIS2 directive. Having crisis management and business continuity measures in place is a specific requirement of article 21.

How we support you

Secura helps large and medium sized organizations all over Europe raise their cyber resilience by building effective crisis management capabilities. We know the importance of ensuring crises are dealt with effectively.

You can rely on us to help your organization implement key activities to ensure you align to these standards, industry best practices and comply with regulations. We are specialized in the design and implementation of Crisis Management frameworks, plans, playbooks and procedures.

Following the key phases within the international crisis management standard, we can support you with a number of services.

Crisis Management services



Do you already have some crisis management procedures in place? Do you want to understand how mature your crisis management capability is against international standards? We can help you assess this.



Are you at the start of your crisis management journey? We can help you design and embed a crisis management strategy and framework. This sets out how crisis management will be structured and managed within your organization.



Once you have a framework in place, we can help you create crisis management plans to support your crisis teams and develop scenario specific playbooks (for instance Ransomware). This ensures you have an organized and structured response in place and have pro-actively captured key decisions and actions for your crisis teams.



Now you have your plans in place, we can deliver dedicated training sessions to your crisis team members, training them how to use the plans and getting them familiar with their roles and responsibilities. We can also provide further training on the international crisis standard, training to your dedicated crisis managers or awareness training to wider support functions.

Once your teams are trained, Secura can deliver simulated Cyber Crisis Exercises.



If you are impacted by a crisis such as a ransomware attack, we can help you respond effectively and recover quickly. The operational or technical side of the response support is covered by our Incident Response experts. The tactical and strategic side is covered by this service.



Once the crisis has been resolved, its always good to look back at what went well and what could be improved. Secura’s crisis experts can help you coordinate a lessons learned review and make recommendations as to how your response could be improved for any potential future crises.

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Crisis Response Blueprint

More Information

Would you like to learn more about our Crisis Management services and what we can do for you? Please fill out the form and we will contact you within one business day.


Why choose Secura | Bureau Veritas

At Secura/Bureau Veritas, we are dedicated to being your trusted partner in cybersecurity. We go beyond quick fixes and isolated services. Our integrated approach makes sure that every aspect of your company or organization is cyber resilient, from your technology to your processes and your people.

Secura is the cybersecurity division of Bureau Veritas, specialized in testing, inspection and certification. Bureau Veritas was founded in 1828, has over 80.000 employees and is active in 140 countries.